News Archive

10 results

25 March 2024

Isabell Bagemihl wins the Best Energy Paper 2023

Isabell Bagemihl wins the Best Energy Paper 2023

"Techno-economic Assessment of CO2 Electrolysis: How Interdependencies between Model Variables Propagate Across Different Modelling Scales"

28 July 2021

Pre-announcement High Tech Sustainable Future Call 2021

Pre-announcement High Tech Sustainable Future Call 2021

The goal of the High Tech for a Sustainable Future programme is to stimulate structural and sustainable collaborative theme-oriented research between the four TU’s on topics that require 4TU collaboration and for which it is currently more difficult to acquire funding externally (namely new or high risk topics). The societal relevant research programmes attract and develop new and diverse talent for the four TU’s and aim to deliver societal impact through scientific breakthroughs. After a funded start-up period of five years, research should continue without 4TU.Federation funding. The programmes strive to increase visibility and impact of the 4TU.Federation in society.

18 February 2020

2.75M EU grant for STEP4WIND

2.75M EU grant for STEP4WIND

Project STEP4WIND aims at increasing the commercial readiness level of floating offshore wind energy.

03 February 2020

Kick-Off DEI 2.0

Kick-Off DEI 2.0

On 29 January Kornelis Blok took over the role as Chair for the Delft Energy Initiative (DEI). Rector Magnificus Tim van der Hagen applauded Paulien Herder for her achievements as Chair for the last 6.5 years. DEI will forward here work with 4 main energy pillars and has chosen 4 new themes to help them grow.

29 August 2018

Delft biotech pioneer Mark van Loosdrecht receives Stockholm Water Prize

Professors Mark van Loosdrecht (Delft University of Technology) and Bruce Rittmann (Arizona State University) will both receive the 2018 Stockholm Water Prize today for revolutionizing water and wastewater treatment. By developing microbiological processes in wastewater treatment, they have demonstrated the possibilities to cut costs, reduce energy consumption and even recover chemicals and nutrients for recycling.