Engineering for Large-scale energy conversion and storage - ‘ELECS’


The aim of the minor is to equip bachelor engineering students with selected knowledge and skills concerning energy conversion and storage systems and component technologies that are based on renewable resources, which are as such mostly fluctuating and not-well predictable. Electricity is not easily and cost-effectively stored, so a mismatch –both in time and geographically- between demand and supply of power is a real societal challenge. Also, storage of electricity needs to be accomplished at widely varying time scales to cope with fast weather fluctuations, day-night rhythm, occurrence of larger weather systems’ effects and seasonal variation of supply.

For whom?

Targeted students for the Minor ‘ELECS’ are those with an engineering basic knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer and/or fluid mechanics; i.e. students of Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Applied Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Technology Policy and Management, and Civil Engineering (Strictly: MT, Wb, CT, EEMCS, TA, AE, TB, LST, MST, NB, TN)

What will you learn

This minor will deal with providing the fundamentals of a the most relevant intermittent renewable energy supply systems, wind and solar energy systems. Furthermore, systems analysis performance evaluation courses (energy storage, life cycle assessment) and practical studies (system modelling of energy conversion and storage systems and component level study design/research project) will be offered to enable students to make an evaluation of a large renewables based energy conversion and storage systems.

Course overview

Register for this minor

Participating institutions

Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Sciences, Technology Policy and Management



Prof. dr. ir. Wiebren de Jong