News and agenda

18 November 2020

A Mechanism for Designing High-Entropy Alloys with improved Magnetic Properties

A Mechanism for Designing High-Entropy Alloys with improved Magnetic Properties

12 November 2020

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

Researchers TU Delft have not only been able to explain how nano-structures in thermoelectric materials can improve energy efficiency but they also propose a commercially more attractive way to manufacture nano-structured thermoelectric materials, increasing the chances for mass-production of thermoelectric energy. Their results were published in Nano Energy.

05 November 2020

Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing Program is the winner of HiTMaT 2020

The team, coordinated by Dr. Vera Popovich from MSE, TU Delft and in close collaboration with M2i, University of Twente, GKN Fokker and Beamler is the winner of HTSM High Tech Materials Call 2020.

26 October 2020

Geeske Langejans in BBC World

What makes things sticky?

15 September 2020

Researchers at MSE develop a novel in-situ hydrogen gas mechanical setup

MSE Researchers developed and validated a novel mechanical setup featuring an in-situ hydrogen gas and samples representing miniature pipelines.

15 September 2020

Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing project and workshop

30 July 2020

Joris Dik in various media

A group of TU Delft bachelor students, led by professor Joris Dik, understood the secret of a special piece of wall, without affecting it. Their graduation thesis was published this week in the scientific journal Heritage Science.

29 July 2020

TU Delft students reveal hidden inscriptions from NSB leader

TU Delft students reveal hidden inscriptions from NSB leader

Led by Professor Joris Dik, a group of TU Delft bachelor's students was able to discover the secrets of this part of the wall without damaging it. The students’ graduation thesis was published this week in academic journal Heritage Science.

27 April 2020

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

Scientific research into the world-famous painting by Johannes Vermeer, known as the 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', has yielded new insights. TU Delft researchers played an important role in making discoveries about the brushwork, the use of pigments and how Vermeer built up his painting with various layers of paint.

23 April 2020

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In the early morning of 22 April 2020, our dear former colleague professor Barend Thijsse passed away after a short illness as a result of lung cancer. Barend was 69 years old.