News and agenda

11 June 2024

Rewind to the Iron Age

Rewind to the Iron Age

Reproducing a 3,000-year-old sword for your graduation project. Materials Science & Engineering student Dorien Westert is combining archaeology and materials science by studying the microstructure of iron swords. In the process, she may learn more about how people lived in the early Iron Age.

22 May 2024

Joris Dik in Het Geheim van de Meester

Joris Dik in Het Geheim van de Meester

In a new season of the TV program Het geheim van de Meester, Joris Dik analyzes which materials were used for world-famous paintings.

11 May 2024

Jan-Henk Welink about recycling electronics

Jan-Henk Welink about recycling electronics

Jan-Henk Welink explains why better recycling is needed for the materials that are used for electronics.

13 March 2024

Liselore Tissen in Museum de Lakenhal

Liselore Tissen in Museum de Lakenhal

What is the effect of the reproduction of artworks on the original? Liselore Tissen was involved in The Van Doesburg experiment in Museum de Lakenhal.

16 February 2024

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

On 12 February, the Growing with Green Steel programme received official approval for a grant of more than 100 million euros from the National Growth Fund. Around 22 million euros of the total sum is destined for TU Delft. The programme aims to develop scientific knowledge and technology for sustainable steel production.

16 February 2024

Jilt Sietsma in Trouw about sustainable steel production

Jilt Sietsma in Trouw about sustainable steel production

Steel production accounts for 7% of global CO2 emissions. That should and could be more sustainable. That is why 31 parties are joining forces to develop a new set of technologies based on hydrogen, renewable energy and circular iron and steel processing.

30 November 2023

From powder to product: new TU Delft lab covers entire 3D printing process

From powder to product: new TU Delft lab covers entire 3D printing process

Advances in aerospace and energy transition require materials that meet ever-increasing demands. Such as extreme environments, high pressures or temperatures. In TU Delft's Materials for Additive Manufacturing lab, researchers can now explore new materials and process them into products and components for extreme conditions. This unique lab was opened on 30 November.

05 October 2023

Emeritus Professor Sietsma gifts Jacob Wallenberg grant to Materials Science and Engineering department

Emeritus Professor Sietsma gifts Jacob Wallenberg grant to Materials Science and Engineering department

Jilt Sietsma schonk zijn recente subsidie van de Jacob Wallenberg Foundation aan de afdeling en maakte een upgrade van een van de optische microscopen mogelijk, waar studenten en onderzoekers nog jaren van kunnen profiteren.

25 September 2023

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Studying prehistoric production processes of birch bark tar using computational modelling reveals what kinds of cognition were required for the materials produced by Neanderthal and early modern humans.

08 August 2023

Yongxiang Yang in various media