News and Agenda

23 September 2021

Smart optical and portable diagnostic system for schistosomiasis saves lives

Smart optical and portable diagnostic system for schistosomiasis saves lives

Temitope Agbana, PostDoc researcher at the Delft Center for Systems and Control department, together with a team of researchers, designed the Schistoscope; a smart method for early and easy detection of Bilharzia, a deadly tropical disease.

07 June 2021

Autonomous robot system picks up litter from ocean floor

Autonomous robot system picks up litter from ocean floor

TU Delft is working with seven other partners on an autonomous system for cleaning the ocean floor. This system consists of a surface vehicle with two underwater robots, which are going to identify and collect litter from the ocean floor. Now that the crucial gripper component of the system has been completed, the SeaClear system is almost ready for field testing.

18 May 2021

TU Delft and Volvo collaborating on Prognostics for new generation of trucks

TU Delft and Volvo collaborating on Prognostics for new generation of trucks

Now it is time for trucks to join the transition to zero emission, and uptime is key to make this a success. In a new research project with the Volvo Group, Riccardo Ferrari of the Delft Centre for Systems and Control is looking to improve service life through predictive analytics.

30 April 2021

TU Delft starts ‘Wind Farm Flow Control Project’

TU Delft starts ‘Wind Farm Flow Control Project’

Together with CrossWindHKN Siemens Gamesa Eneco GROW offshore wind a group of researchers led by professor Jan-Willem Van Wingerden TU Delft have started the work on the "Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control" project. This project focuses on reducing the wake effect by using real-time data that will contribute to a more constant electricity production.

22 April 2021

ERC Advanced grants for TU Delft researchers

ERC Advanced grants for TU Delft researchers

Two TU Delft researchers have been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant.

22 April 2021

ERC Advanced Grant for smarter control of energy and transportation networks

ERC Advanced Grant for smarter control of energy and transportation networks

In the future, we will see an increasing number of smart transportation and energy networks. However, online control of these large and complex networks is still far from optimal. Researcher Bart De Schutter has received a EUR 2.5 million ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union to tackle this problem over the next five years.

23 March 2021

SeaClear project develops the first autonomous robots for underwater litter collection

SeaClear project develops the first autonomous robots for underwater litter collection

Today's oceans contain 26-66 million tons of waste, with approximately 94% located on the seafloor. So far, collection efforts have focused mostly on surface waste, with only a few local efforts to gather underwater waste, always using human divers. No solution exists that exploits autonomous robots for underwater litter collection; the SeaClear project will develop the first. Check this animation to explore how are we planning to achieve this ambitious goal!

24 February 2021

TU Delft develops 'brains' for buildings

TU Delft develops 'brains' for buildings

A large consortium led by TU Delft is going to provide ‘brains’ to buildings. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has allocated 6.9 million euro to the Brains 4 Buildings project.

12 January 2021

World record on the single-channel data rate of a standard optical fiber

The fiber-optic communication systems carry 99% of today’s internet traffic. These systems are under pressure due to an exponential rise in the bandwidth-hungry such as video conferencing, HD video streaming and online gaming. In order to increase data-carrying capacity of networks while keeping a lower labor and economic cost, researchers and industries around the world are working hard to achieve higher capacity per fiber.

03 September 2020

ERC Starting Grant for Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani

ERC Starting Grant for Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Starting Grant to Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, researcher at Delft Centre for Systems and Control. The grants (1,5 million euros for a five-year programme) are intended to support scientists who are in the early stages of their career and have already produced excellent supervised work.