News and agenda

26 June 2019

David Abbink in De Wereld van Morgen (NPO1)

Research by the Haptics Lab into symbiotic driving will be shown on Dutch television in prime time. David Abbink was interviewed by Vivianne Bendermacher to explain and demonstrate the current issues with driver-automation interaction, and how our research contributes to solving these.

29 May 2019

Javier Alonso-Mora and team receive IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award on Multi-Robot Systems

Javier Alonso-Mora and team receive IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award on Multi-Robot Systems

The paper "Distributed Multi-Robot Formation Splitting and Merging in Dynamic Environments", by Hai Zhu, Jelle Juhl, Laura Ferranti, Javier Alonso-Mora has won the IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award on Multi-Robot Systems during the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, the robotics flagship conference celebrated in Montreal in May 2019. Congratulations!

15 April 2019

Riender Happee on BNR Newsradio

Listen to the excerpts

22 March 2019

Inaugural address David Abbink

On Friday March 22nd 2019, David Abbink gave his inaugural address as professor of Haptic Human-Robot Interaction at Delft University of Technology. In his talk David gave an overview of his work, argued why we need to focus more on robot symbiosis than robot autonomy, let the whole audience hop on one leg, and stated he would strive to revitalize the truly multi-disciplinary spirit of the Macy Conferences on Cybernetics. Afterwards, the audience could experience five haptic demo’s.

21 March 2019

Human-robot symbiosis improves interaction

Human-robot symbiosis improves interaction

Semi-automated vehicles on our motorways, a mobile robot arm that can effectively intervene in a disaster area, drones: these are all examples of robots that exist our unpredictable environment. These robots cannot manage without human intervention, however: behind every successful robot there’s a human being. A strong foundation for operating robot arms and robot vehicles is haptics: our innate ability to feel our body.

13 March 2019

Dr. J. Alonso-Mora appointed Principal Investigator

Dr. J. Alonso-Mora appointed Principal Investigator at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS).

04 March 2019

Joost de Winter in de Volkskrant

One successful study after another appears to have a different outcome if the experiment is repeated. To learn what such a repeat study says, Delft researchers also made one: do pupils betray someones emotions?

01 March 2019

Industry collaborations with Amazon and Didi Udian Technologies

Dr. J. Alonso-Mora is the recipient of an Amazon Research Award to perform research on multi-robot motion planning and a research collaboration with Didi Udian Technologies has been stablished for joint work on shared MaaS (ride-sharing). More information:

14 January 2019

TU Delft and CTU win Taxify Self-driving Fleet Optimisation Challenge

An international team from TU Delft and the Czech Technical University (CTU) based in Prague have won the Taxify Self-driving Fleet Optimisation Challenge. Representatives from TU Delft included researchers Javier Alonso Mora and Michal Cap, who work at the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) at the Automated Mobility-on-Demand with Ride-sharing (AMR) research group. The aim of the challenge was to optimise the operation of a fleet of self-driving passenger service vehicles, for example taxis in an urban environment.

14 January 2019

Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) opens new lab

Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) opens new lab

Dean Theun Baller and Hans Hellendoorn, head of the Department of Cognitive Robotics, oversaw the festive opening of the new CoR lab this month.