Welcome to your Library

Just started as a student at the TU Delft? Welcome! To give you a smooth start at the Library, we have listed some basic need-to-knows and nice-to-knows for you.

And did you know that...

  • With Library Access we offer you a lean Library, with access to research anytime, anywhere?
  • TULib provides information literacy instructions for Bachelor students, from information on searching & resources until information for writing & publishing concerning issues like copyright?
  • We provide you with an overview of all available databases that contain scientific resources and are accessible for TU Delft students and employees?
  • If you have a disability which makes it difficult for you to read the course material, you are entitled to make use of the licence for the TextAid read-aloud software free of charge? As this software uses texts in PDF, you can use the TU Library Text Conversion Service to convert printed course materials into PDF’s.

Nice to know is that...

  • The Library organises exhibitions, events, lectures and the like in collaboration with students, artists, researchers and experts from the TU Delft community and beyond.
  • Studium Generale organises weekly lectures, workshops, debates, film and documentary screenings, and other events with a broad range of topics, often taking place in the Library or in Delft.
  • The Library has a CoffeeStar.
  • You have the opportunity to watch a lecture online via Collegerama of the New Media Centre.
  • The Library has an information desk located in the main hall where you can also buy small office supplies and borrow an adaptor or computer lock.
  • The Library has a Student IT Desk at the Service Desk where you can ask IT questions.
  • You have access to more than 950.000 printed books, e-books, journals and dissertations, as well as 215 databases.

Thus the Library is not only a place to study, but also to meet, work together and relax. That is why we think it is important to offer a variety of environments, from quiet places for concentration to meeting places for interaction.

More information
Please visit the Library website and browse through the Library for students page for much more information on our facilities for students. 

Stop by at the information desk in the main hall or contact us our customer service:
+31 (0) 15 27 85678