Showcase projects

AWE Simulation Toolchain

Applicant: Jelle Poland (Aerospace Engineering)

Project description

Airborne wind energy (AWE) uses tethered airborne devices to harness high-altitude wind resources inaccessible to traditional turbines. The largest AWE research group, based at TU Delft, focuses on sharing knowledge with the community and collaborates with industry startups. Their goal is to aid AWE system development and accelerate sector growth using an integrated open-source toolchain, contributing to faster energy harvesting and the energy transition.

Role of the DCC

In this project we establish good software development practices through weekly meetings and seminars. Support of individual projects with best practices, FAIR and updated software design via consultations and hands-on assistance. Review and enhance software architecture to enable modular integration of existing projects. Useful links:

Energy System Integration Development Kit (Illuminator)

Applicant: Milos Cvetkovic (EEMCS)

Project description

Illuminator is an open-source energy system integration development kit designed to demonstrate the challenges that energy grids face during the energy transition. The software behind the Illuminator provides educators, researchers, energy consultants, and engineers with an intuitive tool for explaining energy system concepts to a broader audience. It offers simulations of energy models, scenarios, strategies, and policies, making complex concepts more accessible. The illuminator can be deployed using raspberry pi’s to simulate different nodes in an energy system.

Role of the DCC

In this project, our research software engineers reviewed the Illuminator’s source code and provided advice and hands-on support to enhance its modularity, testability, and maintainability. To improve usability and accessibility, a well-documented and easier-to-set-up version of the Illuminator will soon be available both as a standalone Python package and as a Raspberry Pi distributed system.

Useful links: Illuminator github 

Hi-res salt intrusion modeling

Applicant: Marlein Geraeds (CiTG)

This project involves developing a detailed coast-delta model that incorporates non-hydrostatic effects. Issues that may be addressed with the model are the influence of extreme weather conditions, human interventions, and climate change on the frequency and severity of salt intrusion events. Better predictions of salt intrusion are a crucial requirement for short-term salt-related decision-making and long-term strategies to mitigate the risks of salt intrusion through countermeasures. While this model aims for high-resolution representations of such measurements, their high-performance computing requirements have, so far, been higher than resources available.

Role of the DCC

The main aim of the DCC support in this project is to enable use of a high-resolution data model which has not yet been possible. Activities in this support include testing and setting different data storage options, data transfer and analysis procedures, and performance optimization by reducing or selecting data and parameters. These activities should enable and generate a documented workflow and a set of scripts to enable (partial) analyses of the available experimental measurements of great value for the researcher and her group.

GeoDykes Monitoring System

Applicant: Ching-Yu Chao (CiTG)

Project description

Researchers and water management stakeholders are working on monitoring the behavior and health of dikes in response to weather conditions and climate change. To achieve this, sensors of various types from different companies are installed on the dikes. Researchers require a platform to collect, present, and monitor this data efficiently through a user-friendly dashboard.

Role of the DCC

Our team has been tasked with defining a solution for this problem. These are some highlights of the project activities:

  1.  Understanding the Data and Lifecycle: Collaborating with researchers to comprehend field activities and the entire data lifecycle management process. 
  2. Data Modeling: Working closely with researchers to model the data accurately, ensuring it reflects real-world activities and measurements.
  3. Selecting and Implementing the Technology Stack Backend: Implemented using a RESTful API with FastAPI.
  4. Database: A relational database to store and manage sensor data.
  5. Frontend: A dashboard that interacts with the database via web API endpoints, providing a user-friendly interface for monitoring and retrieving data.

Github repository: 


Applicant: Emir Demirovic (EWI)


PyMurTree is a Python wrapper for the MurTree project. The MurTree algorithm constructs optimal classification trees that minimize the misclassification score of a given dataset while respecting constraints on depth and the number of feature nodes. The algorithm also supports a sparse objective, which penalizes each node added to the tree.

Role of the DCC

Our team was tasked with implementing the Python wrapper for the MurTree project. Key activities included:

  • Understanding the MurTree Algorithm: Collaborating with the original developers to comprehend the functionality and requirements of the MurTree algorithm.
  • Wrapper Implementation: Developing the PyMurTree wrapper to interface seamlessly with the existing MurTree codebase.
  • Testing and Validation: Ensuring the wrapper accurately represents the algorithm’s capabilities and providing comprehensive tests to validate functionality.
  • Documentation: Creating detailed documentation for installation, usage, and contribution guidelines.

Link to the Repo PyMurTree GitHub Repository


Applicant: Sierd de Vries (CiTG)


Hydraulic engineering challenges related to changing climate and dynamic responses of coastal dune landscapes driven by environmental conditions require accurate predictions. Duneforce aims to predict the biogemorphological development of coastal dune landscapes. In DuneForce the AeoLiS model is developed. AeoLiS is the process-based model for simulating wind-driven (i.e., aeolian) sediment transport in situations where factors that limit the amount of sediment picked up by the wind are important. The AeoLiS model is mostly applied in coastal settings where many sediment supply-limiting factors are present, for example, soil moisture content, sediment sorting, roughness elements and vegetation. The aim of the development of AeoLiS is to create and use the model to quantify sediment transport and predict coastal dune development. Ultimately, a robust and fast AeoLiS model could be used to inform the design of coastal engineering solutions.

Role of the DCC

The contributions made by DCC to the AeoLiS software package are the following:

  • Develop collaborative coding guidelines to streamline code development activities within the research group.
  • Implement unit and integration tests to ensure the reliability of the code across new changes.
  • Develop a proof of concept to accelerate the code by exploring techniques like parallel programming.

Link to project AeoLiS GitHub Repository

Open science in space: Tudat(py)

Applicant: Dominic Dirkx (Aerospace Engineering)


Tudat is an open-source software suite (C++ code with Python interface) for numerical state propagation and estimation of spacecraft and natural solar system bodies. Its modular and flexible setup allow it to be used in applications ranging from orbit determination, space situational awareness, re-entry vehicle design, space mission optimization, etc. Tudat is used in two M.Sc. courses ( approximately 40-50 students per year) and in 20-30 M.Sc. thesis projects. It is currently part of ongoing 5 Ph.D. projects

Role of the DCC

The contributions made by DCC to the tudat(py) software package are the following:

  • Implement a fast Continuous Integration workflow to provide developers with prompt feedback on their code changes. This solution addresses the bottleneck of the long compilation time (approximately 4 hours) for the C++ source code across Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
  • Reduce the number of steps and dependencies in the code and API documentation development process to improve the maintainability of the code.

Link to project Tudat project on GitHub


Applicant: Adarsh Kalikadien (TNW)


Open Bidentate Ligand eXplorer (OBeLiX) is a workflow for automated and reproducible TM-based catalyst structure generation and descriptor calculation. It Uses our in-house developed packages MACE and ChemSpaX for bias-free catalyst structure generation. CREST is used for conformer search. Automated descriptor extraction/calculation is done using Morfeus and cclib. The workflow is currently usable for metal-ligand complexes of monodentate and bidentate ligands.

Role of the DCC

The contributions made by DCC to the OBeLiX software package are the following:

  • Implementation of integration tests to test the different workflows in OBeLiX.
  • Continuous Integration workflow for automated testing of new code contributions to the GitHub repository
  • Setup a data management infrastructure in the cloud to facilitate storage and analysis of the workflow results.

Link to project OBeLiX GitHub Repository
