
678 results

Online Courses and Textbooks

In addition to our own collection and collegerama videos, you can find free online courses and textbooks on our OER site .

Off-campus access

How to export your research output from Pure to ORCID

Your research output can be exported automatically from Pure to ORCID. All you have to do is add your ORCID iD to Pure and authorize Pure to…

ORCID iD: increase your academic visibility

The majority of TU Delft researchers have created an ORCID iD. In addition to this, 2830 researchers have added their ORCID iD to Pure. You…

Cite your data

Published research data should be cited in the same way as other scholarly outputs such as journal articles, reports and conference papers.…

Request an ISBN or ISSN

When you wish to publish serial- or individual publications you can request an ISBN or ISSN through the TU Delft Library. All TU Delft staff…

DOI for publications

A DOI is a digital object identifier, a unique and permanent means of identification for a file on the internet. Electronic publications…

Innovations and patents

Please be sure that the content of your paper does not include an invention which might be subject of a patent and/or an industrial design…

Research identity

DOI for publications. ORCID iD: increase your academic visibility How to export your research output from Pure to ORCID DOI for data.…


Why should I store my research output in the TU Delft Repository (via Pure)? TU Delft has an Open Access policy . One of the requirements is…