
678 results

Information about borrowing

Part of the collection is on loan. As a TU Delft employee or student, you are automatically a member of the library. You can borrow books…

Academic Writing Assistant.

Are you writing an academic text? Use the tool ‘Academic Writing Assistant’ to support your writing process. What is it? The writing…


TU Delft has an agreement with BioRender Premium licenses that runs until December 2024. If you would like to participate, please complete…

Overleaf Collaborative Authoring Tool

Overleaf Professional accounts available for TU Delft community The TU Delft is happy to provide premium access to Overleaf. Overleaf is an…

CRediT and collaboration

Use CRedIT: a new international standard to visualize individual contributions for your publications CRediT (Contributor Roles taxonomy)…

Opt-out Open Access short academic work

Opt-out form: Open Access short academic work TU Delft – 10-December 2022 Based on article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act and the “TU Delft…

Get the PDF

Article / paper not available? Folow the procedure for TU Delft staff and students Article / paper not available? Folow the procedure for TU…

Information about borrowing

Part of the collection is on loan. As a TU Delft employee or student, you are automatically a member of the library. You can borrow books…

FAQ: Your profile page on the TU Delft Research portal

Are you a researcher at TU Delft? Then you can set up, configure and maintain your own profile page. Using the Current Research Information…

Publish your data

Research data generated and collected for a specific project may have potential value beyond its original intent. Where research data is…