
678 results

Tim Bedford

Professor Tim Bedford is Associate Principal for Research and Innovation at the University of Strathclyde and Professor of Decision and Risk…

Marie Louisde Conradsen

Marie Louise Conradsen is Head of Open Science at Aarhus University (The Faculty of Natural Science and The Faculty of Technical Science).…

Veronica Beneitez-Pinero

Veronica Beneitez, lawyer by training, has spent his career working on the field of research and research policy. While starting by looking…

Sophie Bailes

Lorem Ipsum Sophie Bailes

Breakout sessions

December 3, 14.40-15.40h Towards a modern knowledge valorisation policy for all Keynote speech by Veronica Beneitez-Pinero The 2008…

Lightning talks

December 4, 11.10-11.40h Lightning talk 1 - RSpace: An electronic lab notebook architected to both support open science and protect IP for…

Karina Angelieva

Karina Angelieva is a former Counselor, Head of Sector Education and Research at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria to…

Eva Méndez

Eva Méndez holds a PhD in Library and Information Sciences (LIS) and is an expert in metadata. She defines herself in her Twitter profile as…

Chas Bountra

Chas is Pro-Vice Chancellor for Innovation at the University of Oxford, Professor of Translational Medicine in the Nuffield Department of…