Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

Course Description

This course will provide you with the essential knowledge and the core skills to handle and think ethically about your research participants and their personal data. The knowledge acquired in this course is essential if you work with personal data or human subjects in your research project, but it also prepares you as a citizen responsible for the good handling of your own personal data.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at TU Delft non-PhD researchers and MSc students that collect personal data and work with human subjects within their research projects.This course should be taken before starting the collection of personal data in a project.

Learning Objectives

After this course, learners:

  • identify what personal data and their special categories are
  • can apply the principles of the GDPR to their research project and be familiar with the exceptions of the GDPR for researchers;
  • can embed GDPR and ethical considerations while planning for and conducting their research;
  • identify research data management practices to be implemented when working with personal data
  • identify risks for human research subjects and take appropriate measures to reduce these risks;
  • recognize the relevance of informed consent when working with personal data and doing research with human subjects; 
  • can plan for preparing the relevant documents when working with personal data and human subjects in their research following the legal and institutional workflows

Course setup

This is an online course hosted on the learning management system Brightspace, which consists of three self-study online modules with a total workload of approximately 6 hours including the final self-assessment. 

We do not offer certification or allocation of credits for non-PhD candidates researchers and Master students, respectively.

Course Programme

Structure of the Self-paced Online Part:

  • Module 1: Personal Data (1h and 30 min)
  • Module 2: Ethics in Research ( 2h)
  • Module 3: How to Do It (2h)
  • Final Self-assessment (30 min)


Having some basic knowledge about Research Data Management (RDM) before taking this course can facilitate the understanding of certain concepts (e.g. DMP, data licence, data repository, etc.).

You can learn about these concepts in the following self-learning resource:  (without provision of GS credits)


If you are a TU Delft Master student or a non-PhD candidate researcher (or a Bachelor student or have a support staff role and are interested in the course), you can get access to the self-paced online course by registering here.

You will be granted access to the course for indefinite time as long as you have a netID associated with TU Delft.

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About this course

  • GS credits: 0
  • Total workload: 6 hours
  • Format: Online; Self-learning 
  • Runs per academic year: ongoing


If you have any questions about the course, please contact: