Collection policy TU Delft Library

TU Delft Library manages the scientific collection for the faculties. The aim is to provide a relevant, up-to-date and sustainable collection of information resources for research and education. For the supporting services, we manage essential resources for the performance of their tasks.

The Library: purchases (e)books, subscriptions or access to sources for the entire TU Delft (employees and students). In addition, we negotiate with publishers for open access publishing in some of these sources, through the so-called read & publish deals.


It is possible for anyone within Delft University of Technology to make a request to purchase sources through a substantiated purchase suggestion.


After receiving a purchase suggestion and/or when renewing a subscription, an evaluation is done by the collection team. These evaluations are substantiated with analytical data such as:

  • Subject areas
  • Usage statistics
  • Delft publishing behaviour
  • Financial aspects
  • Contribution to Open Science goals

The aim of the TU Delft Library is to make studying and publishing as easy as possible within the limits of the collection budget. A deal made by the library is therefore not an endorsement of the publishers of these resources. The choice of what to use as a source, or where to publish lies with the staff and students of TU Delft. The role of the TU Delft Library is to advise, inform and facilitate in this.

If necessary, the source's acquisition criteria are reviewed, since it may have been acquired before they were in force, or the situation may have changed in the meantime.

Data exchange

Together with ICT, the TU Delft Library is doing its best to exchange as little data as possible and to anonymise data that is exchanged wherever possible. We ask you to remain alert to what data you exchange when using these sources.

Questions or suggestions regarding this policy? Please contact: