J. (Jacky) Bourgeois

J. (Jacky) Bourgeois


Jacky Bourgeois is assistant professor of Data-Centric Design with the Knowledge and Intelligence Design (KInD) section, Department of Sustainable Design Engineering (SDE) of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE); He leads the Data-Centric Delft Design Lab.

Research interests

His research lies at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Data Science and Participatory Design. He develops methods such as data donation for reciprocal participation, human-data interactions which empower researchers and data participants to explore behavioural data collaboratively and data tools that leverage technologies to embed behavioural data in human-centred research processes.

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Academic background

With a background in computer science, Jacky investigated the design of ubiquitous technologies to support domestic energy practices of 'energy farmers', i.e. households that generate their energy from solar panels. He combined exploratory interviews, participatory data analysis and in-home interventions to deeply understand this context. He investigated case studies focusing on Energy Demand-Shifting in the context of domestic solar electricity generation around the laundry and the electric mobility routines. He aimed to understand the connection between consumption and local generation and design support for emerging energy practices.

This process led him to appreciate data generated from the Internet and the Internet of Things as key resources in human-centred design. However, designers often lack the necessary data literacy to effectively and ethically use this resource in their design process. Jacky dedicates his research and teaching effort to addressing this challenge.

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  • 2024

    DIS '24 Best Paper

    For the paper 'Participation in Data Donation: Co-Creative, Collaborative, and Contributory Engagements with Athletes and their Intimate Data'

Ancillary activities