Transport Phenomena | TP

The Transport Phenomena group studies the transport of mass, momentum and heat in physical and (electro)chemical processes related to advanced materials processing, energy conversion and storage, and health. Our main interest is in transport around (solid-fluid, liquid-gas, liquid-liquid, membrane-fluid and electrically charged) interfaces, which we wish to understand, control and enhance.

We enjoy performing fundamental research to gain a deep understanding of the underlying phenomena, while at the same time we find it important to apply our knowledge to real-life applications. We use both theoretical and computational models, and non-intrusive experiments based on laser and X-ray techniques.


September 23, 2024: PhD thesis defence of Xiaolin Wu


September 2024: 4TU Energy grant for Bijoy Bera for research (with UT) on Magneto-Iono-caloric Heat Pumps

April 2024: Hanieh Bazyar receives Seed Fund Grant 2024 April

January 2024: Research of Sasa Kenjeres in article Delta

December 2023: Valeria Garbin appointed as professor

November 2023: Jelle Bootsma and Aza Alawi winners of the VerDelFT study prize

October 2023: IDEE grant for Bijoy Bera