Isabel Arends

Isabel Arends was professor in Biocatalysis and Organic Chemistry at the Delft University of Technology until 01 July 2018. In addition she was heading the department of Biotechnology at the TUDelft. Her ambition is to facilitate excellent research and education at the forefront of Biotechnology. Isabel has been trained as a chemist, and holds a fascination for green chemistry and oxidations. Her research focusses on the development of enzymes as catalysts.

Prof. Arends has a passion for bringing scientists from all disciplines together around topics in biotechnology and biorenewables. She does this in her role as director of the recently founded Delft Bioengineering Institute in Delft and as vice-director of the COST action systems biocatalysis. In addition she is a true advocate for women in science within the Delft University of Delft and Delft Technology Fellowship.

In the Netherlands Prof. Arends is active as board member and vice-director of the domain of applied and engineering science within the national Science Foundation (NWO-TTW, previously STW).
In the biorenewables field Arends is a board member of BE-Basic consortium, an international public-private partnership that develops industrial biobased solutions to build a sustainable society.

You can read an interview with Isabel Arends in Portraits of Science

Prof. Isabel Arends

Full Professor Biocatalysis and Organic Chemistry
