Kick-start Your Teaching | Reflection Masterclass | 14 February

14 February 2024 10:00 till 13:00 - By: Teaching Academy | Add to my calendar

Date Wednesday, 14 February
Time 09:45-13:00
Where Teaching Lab
For whom?  Anyone (relatively) new in a teaching role. More specific: PhD, postdoc, assistant professors and 100% teaching staff. But others are welcome to sign up too. 

About this event

We would like to invite you to a morning on reflection. Reflection is a term frequently used in education and explicitly mentioned in the TU Delft vision on teaching and learning but odds are that it feels like something abstract and vague.

The reflective engineer team is working on making reflection from vague into a useful, meaningful and practical tool within normal education, for you as a teacher and for your students. A tool to collaborate and communicate better, and to help students become “proactive, responsible and resilient engineers” as our vision asks of us. In this morning you will get a sense of what reflection could be to you and via a light weighted reflective experience you will know more about your perspective on teaching. Next to that you will have a better understanding how you could make reflection work for you.

This specific masterclass is organized as part of the Kick-Start Your Teaching Programme and the content is therefore aimed at people with 0 till 5 years teaching experience, but anyone with more experience and interest in this topic is also very welcome to join.



Preliminary Agenda


09:45    Walk-in and Coffee

10:00    Masterclass

12:30    Lunch & Network