Sport Lunch - Olympic Games edition

23 September 2024 12:00 till 13:30 - Location: TNW Applied Sciences, A2.010 Kronigzaal | Add to my calendar

With a focus on aerodynamics in top sports

We would like to invite you for our "sport lunch - Olympic Games edition"! (Registration is mandatory).

This lunch has a special focus on two projects which were implemented for TeamNL athletes, active during the summer Olympics in Paris: 

  • Aerodynamic suits for cycling together with KNWU and AGU
  • A faster and safer suit for kite foil surfer Annelous Lammerts together with Watersportverbond and WEEV Textiles


Lecturer: Wouter Terra, TeamNL expert aerodynamics and researcher TU Delft Aerospace Engineering


Date: Monday, 23 September 2024

Registration is mandatory, kindly e-mail to register for the lunch to ensure we have the right amount of catering. Deadline for registration is September 13. 


We are looking forward seeing you!

Sports Engineering Institute