Data Carpentry for Social Sciences

20 June 2024 09:00 till 21 June 2024 17:00 - Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam | Add to my calendar

Data Carpentry for social sciences workshops are organised at TU Delft by TU Delft Library in collaboration with TU Delft Data Stewards, the TU Delft Digital Competence Centre (DCC)Leiden Centre for Digital Scholarship, Erasmus University Rotterdam Data Stewards and VU Amsterdam Data Stewards.

A Data Carpentry workshop aims to teach researchers basic concepts, skills and tools for working with data to get research done more efficiently. This is a hands-on training that covers best practices for data organisation in spreadsheets, reproducible data cleaning using the tool OpenRefine, and gives an introduction to data analysis and visualisation using the programming language R.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Organise tabular data, handle date formatting, carry out quality control and quality assurance and export data to use with downstream applications.
  • Explore, summarise, and clean tabular data reproducibly.
  • Import data, calculate summary statistics, and create publication-quality graphics using the programming language R

Its target audience is researchers with little to no prior computational experience. The tabular dataset used for practice during the course comes from the social sciences field (i.e., survey data in a tabular form).

TU Delft PhD candidates can receive 1.5 GS credits in the category of Research Skills (according to the Graduate School education programme) when attending all the days of the workshop and actively participating in the sessions.