07 October 2024 18:00 till 28 October 2024 19:30 - Location: online - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

On 7, 15, 21 en 28 October, four sessions take place as part of the workshop 'CALL FOR A MANIFESTO FOR A JUST CITY 2024'.

The workshop “Manifesto for the Just City”, now in its fifth edition, is a digital lecture and debate series composed of four online sessions with leading academics and practitioners in the fields of urban theory, urban planning and spatial justice. Upon participation in the online lecture series, teams of students are invited to draft a Manifesto for the Just City, expressing what their visions for cities that are sustainable, fair and inclusive for all. This activity is organised by TU Delft, in partnership with IHS Erasmus University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands), the University of Illinois, the Winston-Salem State University, Morgan State University (US), The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa) and more. 


In order to help write the manifesto, all groups of students are invited to take part in a 4-part online lecture series organised by TU Delft and several partner universities online. In each session, they will have the opportunity to debate with like-minded people from other universities and put their ideas into writing. At the end of this exercise, we hope they will have enough ideas and material to write a trailblazing manifesto with their group. 

The schedule for the 4 sessions is as follows:

7 October, 18:00 - 19:30
Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago (ETSAM, Madrid, Spain)
Associate Professor of Urban Planning at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and author of Against the Commons.

15 October, 18:00 - 19:30
Stefania Milan, Professor of Critical Data Studies, University of Amsterdam
Author of Social Movements and Their Technologies

21 October, 18:00 - 19:30
Efadul Huq (Smith College, MA, USA)
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Smith College, co-author of Urbanizing Social Reproduction: (Re)thinking the Politics of Care in Capitalist Urban Development.

28 October, 18:00 - 19:30
Catalina Ortiz (UCL, London, UK)
Professor of Critical Pedagogy at UCL’s Development Planning Unit

The manifestos will be published in an open access book. Previous Manifestos have been released in two books published by the Delft University of Technology Open Source books. All participants submitting a manifesto and taking part in the online lectures will be provided with a certificate of participation by the Delft University of Technology.

Registration and more information

  • For more information and registration, you can visit this website.
  • For questions about the event, please contact Roberto Rocco

This activity is supported by Pakhuis de Zwijger.