Seminar: Making Green Work for Health

05 February 2024 09:00 till 18:00 - Location: Berlage room 1 - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

On 5 February, the seminar 'Making Green Work for Health' takes place.

Organized by the Section of Urban Design in collaboration with the University of Sao Paulo, Insper and BK Urban Health program, this seminar aims to bring to the stagenew knowledge and practices at the intersection of urban greening, health, and economic opportunities (green jobs, inclusive employment, etc.).


The day will include two parts:

  • Morning: Two panels featuring seminar presentations plus Q&A in the morning.
  • Afternoon: Working session to forge new collaborations. This session aims to identify potential partners and chart a specific roadmap for advancing the project, including the exploration of targeted funding proposals.

With the participation of: Paulina Achurra (Insper São Paulo), Deepti Adlakha (TU Delft), Laura Janka Zires (Insper/Municipality of Fortaleza), Cecil Konijnendijk (NBS Institute), Víctor Muñoz Sanz (TU Delft), Sara Romero Muñoz (UPM), Paulo Saldiva (University of São Paulo), Machiel van Dorst (TU Delft).

Registration and more information