Seminar: Delta - Food Urbanism

24 September 2024 15:30 till 18:00 - Location: Berlage rooms - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

On 24 September, the seminar 'Delta - food urbanism: A critical perspective for agroecological transitions in deltas' takes place.

Starting from the urgency to critically revisit the contemporary food regime, this seminar aims to discuss radical transformations of food systems in the context of highly vulnerable yet highly productive geographies of deltas. From the Asian mega deltas to the Mississippi, the Nile, and the Rhine-Meuse delta, deltaic areas are not only amongst the largest centers of urbanization but are -and have historically been- among the most productive regions in the world. The ongoing ecosystemic challenges and climate pressures on delta landscapes, which call for climate adaptation pathways, will need to take into account food system transformations. This seminar aims to critically revisit food system transitions in synergy with climate adaptation scenarios from an urbanism perspective, including planetary dynamics as well as situated forms of change. It also aims to discuss theories, methods, and convergences between research on delta urbanism and an agroecological urbanism approach. What are the social & spatial transformations towards a more equitable, just food system, and how can these better be synergized with the fragile ecosystem of deltas? What is the agency of planning and design in shaping these transformations? 

More information

For more information, please contact Sophia Arbara.