Inaugural address Alex de Rijke: A wood taxonomy for a carbon tax economy

25 October 2024 15:00 till 17:00 - Location: Auditorium Aula TU Delft - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

On 25 October, Alex de Rijke (Architectural Engineering and Technology) will give his inaugural address 'A wood taxonomy for a carbon tax economy'.

The world’s oldest and most used building material is now fashionable again, after a period of over 250 years of being ignored or scorned. After 25 years of personally trying to persuade the profession, clients and industry to use wood for many reasons, professor Alex de Rijke finally sees it emerging, ‘like Phoenix from the ashes of a coal fire’. De Rijke will deliver his inaugural address ‘A wood taxonomy for a carbon tax economy’ on Friday 25 October.