Exhibition: Magic of the box

09 January 2024 09:00 till 30 January 2024 17:00 - Location: Corridor next to the Oostserre - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

During the exhibition ‘Magic of the box’, diorama boxes of students can be admired. The projects are the result of the course BK3GR3 of the bachelor Bouwkunde.

What is it about the architectural composition or the ideas about urban life that make a housing project so special? How can 'Living in a Box' be represented? Answers to these questions can be found among 90 plan analyses on display at the Oostserre from 8 January until 19 January 2024. The analyses are made by bachelor students Bouwkunde, who studied the design problems of 45 canonical housing projects within the course BK3GR3.

The analyses are presented by a 'show-box', a hybrid composed of models, drawings, and other media. The boxes open up ways to explain and interpret the architectural and urban qualities in a three-dimensional representation. The student's pleasure and creativity radiate from the collection of boxes.

Residential neighbourhoods are one of the most important assignments in our faculty's domain. Architectural and urban design constitutes and facilitates the use, spatial qualities and the identity of everyday life. The way individual dwellings are assembled into a row, a block, a courtyard, a street, or other urban configurations determines the private, public and collective and represent architectural and urban expressions.

Architectural ideas include social notions too, like collectivity, community, privacy, or anonymity. The way a project is embedded in its location offers opportunities to express views on men and nature, men and metropolis, the individual, the public and the collective. Typology, morphology, and configuration are the instruments to analyze and discover them.

Closing event

A public closing event ON3/GR3 will take place on January 30, 1:45 PM in room A. Here the diorama boxes are reviewed and, the CANONQUIZ, which will be specially created based on the boxes and the other GR3 activities such as the lectures and the excursion, tests the new knowledge. A warm welcome for everybody.

More information

The diorama boxes are explained on Instagram bk3_grondslagen3.