Interactive Theatre play: ‘Danger: Implicit Bias at Work!’

28 June 2022 10:23 - Location: Aula, Auditorium | Add to my calendar

When: 4 October 2022, from 10 hr to 12 hr followed by a lunch or from 14 hr to 16 hr followed by drinks.
Where: Aula, Auditorium

DEWIS, Delft Women in Science, organized the interactive Theatre Play: ‘Danger: Implicit Bias at Work!’ on Diversity Day, 4 October.
All TU Delft staff members are cordially invited.

‘Danger: Implicit Bias at Work!’ is an interactive theatre production with four short scenes that examine the language and mechanisms in academia that are discriminating and stigmatizing. The scenes illustrate various forms of implicit bias and spark internal discussion.

We have invited the theatre company Het Acteursgenootschap (the Dutch Actors’ Society) to help unravel the phenomenon of Implicit Bias. They will present a humorous, interactive theatre play where we follow the careers of four academics, three women and one man. Their careers span a period of 15 years, from the present day to 2037.

One of the big barriers for women in science is the implicit bias all people carry - gendered assumptions about women's innate abilities, characteristics, and limitations. Bias plays a role in many everyday situations and it affects all of us.

The play explores in a humorous way how implicit associations causes women to get treated differently and how gendered perceptions, comments and microaggressions can negatively affect women’s performance and career paths. During the play, active interaction is sought with the audience. Every scene is followed by a discussion led by a professional moderator.


Welcome by Zofia Lukszo (10-12 hr) and Claudia Werker (14-16 hr), DEWIS Board members
Moderator: Suzanne Spliethoff, Het Acteursgenootschap (the Dutch Actors’ Society)
TU-moderator: Ibo van de Poel, Professor in Ethics and Technology
at TPM and TU Delft Integrity Officer

More information about Het Acteursgenootschap (the Dutch Actors’ Society) can be found here.