Kick-off AccessAbility Week: Lunchlecture by Eva Eikhout

03 June 2024 12:00 till 28 April 2024 13:30 - Location: Aula, Commissiekamer 3 | Add to my calendar

Come and listen to the story of Eva Eikhout (program maker and presenter at, among others, BNNVARA) while enjoying a delicious lunch, and join us in opening this important week together!  

Eva was born with the rare FFU syndrome, a condition in which not all limbs are fully developed. Over the years, Eva realised that the world will not adapt to her, so she learns to navigate through bureaucratic systems in creative ways and to maintain control over her own life. With her lecture, Eva not only inspires but also offers practical insights on how education can be made more accessible. 

12:00-12:20 Check-in 
12:20-12:30 Welcome by Sacha Kroonenberg, Head of Education and Student Affairs 
12:30-13:00 Lecture Eva Eikhout 
13:00-13:15 Q&A with Eva 
13:15-13:20 Closing 

The language of the event is English, but questions can also be asked in Dutch.  

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, it is possible to watch the livestream. Click here to go to the livestream.

Target group 
Everyone is welcome! 

Type of event 
Opening – Lecture 

Food and/or drinks 
Lunch will be provided. Dietary preferences can be communicated in registration form. 

Click here to register.