Midterm colloquium Jesse Leijdekker

30 September 2024 13:00 till 14:00 - Location: Lecture Hall E - Robert Hooke - By: DCSC | Add to my calendar

Pedestrian Movement Simulation Through Potential Field Model

Supervisor: Dr.ir. A.J.J. van den Boom

This report investigates the applicability of a Potential Field Model for simulating pedestrian dynamics concerning pedestrians entering a lecture hall. Potential Field Models treat agents individually, capturing microscopic properties. The study evaluates the model’s performance in various scenarios, including normal walking conditions and congested environments. Key aspects examined include travel time and collisions. The results are assessed to determine whether the model captures pedestrian dynamics in a realistic manner. The findings suggest that while Potential Field Models can capture individual-level pedestrian behaviour and interactions, certain limitations exist in computational complexity, highlighting the need for hybrid or modified models for further improvement.