Particle-based modelling techniques - Course

29 January 2024 09:00 till 02 February 2024 18:00 - Location: TUE - By: J.M. BURGERSCENTRUM | Add to my calendar

Location: TUE

Coordinator: Federico Toschi

Lecturers: Federico Toschi, Gianluca Di Staso, Alex Lyulin, Stefan Luding, Johan Padding

The course covers particle-based techniques that are commonly employed to model flows at different time- and length-scales. Aside from lectures on theory, the course includes exercises and computer practical sessions where participants can experience the theory and computational methods. The course is addressed to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working on fluid mechanics. Topics covered include: Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Discrete Particle Method, Lattice Boltzmann techniques, Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo.

For more information, contact: Federico Toschi | 040 247 3911 |