Computational multiphase flow - Course

05 February 2024 12:59 till 09 February 2024 18:00 - Location: TU Delft - By: J.M. Burgerscentrum | Add to my calendar

Location: TUD

Coordinator: Marc Gerritsma 

Lecturers: Marc Gerritsma, Barry Koren, Fred Wubs, Roel Verstappen

The course discusses the basic methods for solving the equations that describe the motion of fluids. It is organized as a series of lectures and computer exercises. The basic model problem is the convection-diffusion equation with dominating convection. A number of spatial discretization methods (non-uniform grids) will be discussed with their pros and cons (upwind/ central, lower/higher order, finite-difference/finite-volume). Also, the stability and accuracy of time-integration methods is shortly discussed. A next step is to study discontinuous solutions of the Euler equations, with focus on the numerical Riemann problem. Several numerical schemes for calculating shocks and contact-discontinuities will be presented; the concept of non-linear limiters is introduced. Finally, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are discussed. The positioning of the computational grid is assessed (staggered grids), as well as the treatment of boundary conditions.
Also, the use of mimetic methods for unstructured grids is explained. An application is the direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow.

For more information, contact:
Marc Gerritsma | 015 278 5903 |

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