IDE Design Master Class for Professionals: Service Design

11 December 2024 09:00 till 12 December 2024 17:30 | Add to my calendar

On 11 - 12 December 2024, IDE professor Dirk Snelders will present an IDE Design Master Class on Service Design.

Service design goes beyond products because it includes designing for relations between users and providers in situated (digitized) activities. This master class offers a better understanding of such activities, and help in analyzing current services and proposing new services. It will focus on a number of topics that make service design different from other types of designing (such as product design, interaction design, etc.).

The deadline to enroll is 2 December 2024.

IDE Master Classes

Whether your aim is to update existing knowledge, learn new concepts and/or renew your network, at the IDE Design Master Classes, you learn the latest from those actively working at the forefront of Design. Learn from the experts as well as from other professionals!

IDE Design Master Classes are a series of intensive two-day, state-of-the-art on-site Master Classes developed specifically for professionals. In groups of 8 to 16 participants, you gain insights into recent developments in the discipline, learning about the latest methods. This has proved an extremely effective way to refine your skills, focus your ambition, and/or simply broaden your mind and be inspired!