Stochastics Meeting Lunteren 2024

52th annual meeting of the Dutch probability and statistics community.

11 November 2024 10:30 till 13 November 2024 14:30 - Location: De Werelt, Westhofflaan 2, 6741 KH Lunteren | Add to my calendar

Roland  Speicher (Saarland University)
Tanja Eisner (University of Leipzig)
Patrícia Gonçalves (University of Lisbon)
Holger Dette (Ruhr University of Bochum)
Bodhisattva Sen (Columbia University)
Kolyan Ray (Imperial College London)

Roland  Speicher (Saarland University)
1. Free probability and random matrices, Part 1
2. Free probability and random matrices, Part 2

Tanja Eisner (University of Leipzig)
1. Ergodic Theorems, Part 1
2. Ergodic Theorems, Part 2

Patrícia Gonçalves (University of Lisbon)

Holger Dette (Ruhr University of Bochum)
1. Statistical methodology for comparing curves
2. Statistical inference for the function-on-function linear model

Bodhisattva Sen (Columbia University)
1. Multivariate Distribution-free Testing using Optimal Transport
2. Extending the Scope of Nonparametric Empirical Bayes

Kolyan Ray (Imperial College London)
1. Variational Bayes, Part 1
2. Variational Bayes, Part 2

Monday 10:30-11:15 Coffee & Registration
  11:15-11:30 Opening
  11:30-12:30 Roland Speicher
  12:45 Lunch
  15:30-16:00 Tea
  16:00-17:00 Holger Dette
  17:00-18:00 Tanja Eisner
  18:45 Dinner
    Poster Session
Tuesday 08:00-09:00 Breakfast
  09:00-10:00 Holger Dette
  10:00-10:30 Coffee
  10:30-11:30 Roland Speicher
  11:30-12:30 Tanja Eisner
  12:45 Lunch
  15:30-16:00 Tea
  16:00-17:00 Kolyan Ray
  17:00-18:00 Bodhisattva Sen
  18:45 Dinner
Wednesday 07:30-08:30 Breakfast
  08:30-09:30 Bodhisattva Sen
  09:30-10:30 Patricia Goncalves
  10:30-11:00 Coffee
  11:00-12:00 Patricia Goncalves
  12:00-13:00 Kolyan Ray
  13:15 Lunch
  • R Kraaij (Delft)
  • F.H.J. Redig (Delft)
  • A. van der Vaart (Delft)

A limited number of people may stay at the conference centre overnight. Rooms are assigned on a first come, first serve, basis. The following prices are valid for those who registered before October 1st:

Package Price
Full stay (registration fee, accomodation and all meals from Monday befor lunch to Wednesday  after lunch) €520,-
Two day arrangement (registration fee, one overnight stay and all meals during two days  

Monday and Tuesday

Tuesday and Wednesday €305,-
Participation in the scientific programme without overnight stay, per day  
Monday or Tuesday €140,-
Wednesday €110,-


Everyone who wishes to participate in the meeting, including those who will not stay overnight nor take meals, is requested to register before October 1st.

Please refer to this list to see all previous speakers.