Learn crochet

14 September 2022 19:15 - Location: Aula restaurant - By: Prometheus | Add to my calendar

2 lessen. Les 2 op 28 september.

Learn to crochet

Crocheting & knitting are making a comeback!

A number of members indicated that they can either knit or crochet and would like to learn the other art. In September we are organising a series of 2 lessons during which you can learn to crochet. During the first lesson you will receive a crochet hook and wool. During this lesson you will learn the basic stitches: chain stitch;

single crochet stitch; half crochet stitch. At the end of the lesson you can take your wool and hook home to practice wrist mobility and to do your homework.


The second lesson starts with a review of lesson 1 and the homework. We can discuss any problems you may have had.

During lesson 2 we will start crocheting a cosy shawl for winter evenings. To do this we will give you a new crochet hook. You can choose the wool you want to work with by following the link below. Please quote your wool choice when reserving your place.

The employees at the Pera Pasha shop in Pijnacker can give you advice if you get stuck with your homework.

Mr. Cey Artist https://www.perapasha.nl/mr-cey/mr-cey-artist
Or "Papatya Batik" https://www.perapasha.nl/papatya/papatya-batik

Prometheus members can reserve 2 places at the members price of €30 each.

Register here.