Education on Stage | 1 June

01 June 2021 14:00 till 17:30 - Location: Online - By: Teaching Academy | Add to my calendar

Make the most of your teaching skills and optimize your (online) education.

We took the first hurdle and got our entire education online, but now it is time to stop surviving, and start making the most of teaching online. And making the most of it begins with reinventing your performance skills.

You might have noticed that it is not easy to connect with students in an online lesson and that you lose a lot of energy teaching online. In ‘Theatrical Tools for (Online) Teaching’ you can learn actors’ skills to make the most of interaction via the screen.

The first step is to become able to reach your students with the signals you send. Everybody can learn that with the dedicated exercises this course has in store. Next you will learn to change your style when the content changes and last but not least, optimize that for the setup you use.

The good news is that the tools can also be used in your normal teaching as it is always about reaching students best, and making sure the content is in charge of the style you present in.

Participants who already did ‘Education on Stage’ are more than welcome.  We take a similar approach, but now we focus on performance online. Even if you did the other course, this one will allow you to refresh what you learned years ago, and get assistance in making that happen online.