Blending your Education | 2 June

02 June 2021 14:00 till 16:30 - Location: Online - By: Teaching Academy | Add to my calendar

The world of education is changing. More and more teachers are experimenting with new forms of education. They flip their classroom, use videos, quizzes, and classroom discussions and so on. The world of Blended Learning offers a lot of new possibilities for teachers and education. But how do you blend your course? Where do you start? What do you need to keep in mind and what do you need to avoid? Together we will address these questions and discover the possibilities of Blended Learning. During this course you will:

  • get familiar with the concepts and advantages of blended learning
  • learn how online and offline teaching activities can reinforce each other
  • transform a part of your own course into a blended course
  • learn how to deal with possible pitfalls of Blended Learning

This training is free of charge.

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