B&B for Bees

15 June 2021 00:00 - Location: at HOME - By: Prometheus | Add to my calendar

Bees need our support!

an example

Bed & Breakfast for bees- Tuesday June 15th 8 pm – price: € 15

At the Aula bee hives have been placed on the balcony, a good step for bees on campus! You too can help the bees in your garden or balcony by building a Bed & Breakfast. The B&B will be made from reclaimed wood and natural materials. You will need a hammer. Read more.

We are very pleased that we will be giving reclaimed wood a second life to make our B&B for bees.

The B&B measures 20 x 20cm and is 15 cm deep. The exterior will be put together with a pinned joint, similar to many Ikea products.

You will also receive a block with drilled holes, bamboo and reeds for the interior. We encourage you to search for more natural filling; straw and pine cones will be enjoyed by the bees in your B&B.

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