How do we stay in control of robots and algorithms? Ask science!

15 September 2021 20:00 | Add to my calendar

By Stefan Buijsman, Philosopher at TU Delft and Johannes Schmidt-Hieber, Professor of Statistics at the University of Twente.
This Facebook live event is organized by the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.
With the arrival of artificial intelligence, we will (soon) live in a world full of robots, self-driving cars, algorithms and chatbots that can make our lives a lot easier. But due to the advance of AI, we also have to think about how we handle data securely, how algorithms can promote inequality and how we combat cybercrime.
That is why the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda invited two scientists (Stefan Buijsman and Johannes Schmidt-Hieber) to answer questions about this subject on Wednesday 15 September at 8:00 PM during a Facebook live session.
Go to the Facebook event.