
Course Contents
The 5EC minor project enables minor students obtain the experience of working in teams while developing software.
Students work in project groups on a full project implementation in the domain of data technologies, or game development.
Study Goals
For all projects:
- Apply software development techniques to real world problems
- Evaluate the conditions of working in groups in software related projects

For game development:
- make a realistic game design for a short development period
- design, implement and validate a variety of algorithms, and integrate them within your game concept
- distinguish the various modules of a game engine, and use them for your game concept
- understand and implement some sort of intelligent behavior in a computer game

Anna Mengolini

Anna Mengolini EU JRC Petten Title: "EU energy policies and projects: a perspective on an inclusive energy transition" <link file:87634…

Alina Neagu ENTSO/E

Alina Neagu System Operations Manager at European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO/E) Title: "From National…

Hand Me Your PIN! Inferring ATM PINs of Users Typing with a Covered Hand

Hand Me Your PIN! Inferring ATM PINs of Users Typing with a Covered Hand

Dr. Stjepan Picek, Prof. Mauro Conti, and their colleagues from the University of Padova published a work where they investigated the…

Manoj Coppens, BEP student in the first year of the Chemical Engineering master, received the BSc thesis AMCEL award

Manoj Coppens, BEP student in the first year of the Chemical Engineering master, received the BSc thesis AMCEL award

The BSc thesis AMCEL award was won by Manoj Coppens for his research on the electrochemical NO reduction in a PEM cell, as part of his BSc…

Support overview

Your faculty Data Steward is the first contact point for any inquiries related to research data management and sharing. Your Data Steward…

Wijnand Veeneman in OV Magazine over spoor infrastructuur

Wijnand Veeneman in OV Magazine over spoor infrastructuur

Het is niet alleen vol op het spoor en de weg, maar de infrastructuur is ook erg oud. Dus moeten we veel vervangen én uitbreiden. Hoe gaan…

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw over effectief coronabeleid in het buitenland

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw over effectief coronabeleid in het buitenland

Hans de Bruijn legt uit waarom we persoonlijke ervaringen met coronabeleid in het buitenland niet als bewijs moeten zien dat Nederland op…

Discharge mechanism in CO2 - A study on possible occurrence of secondary discharges caused by field distortion during streamer or leader propagation

Discharge mechanism in CO2 - A study on possible occurrence of secondary discharges caused by field distortion during streamer or leader…

Frans A. Oliehoek delivers keynote address at Workshop Computational Intelligence 2021

Frans A. Oliehoek delivers keynote address at Workshop Computational Intelligence 2021

The audience of the annual workshop has a strong background of the different methods of computational intelligence. About half of the…
