Practical information

On this page you will find a map of the campus, information and advice about accessibility and parking, and more information about the catering facilities.


Public transport

Come by public transport

There is very little parking space on campus and we therefore advise you to come by public transport or by bicycle as much as possible. Train Station Delft and Train Station Delft Campus are both within walking distance of the campus. Regular buses run from Delft Station that you can take to the campus. Due to work on campus, the buses run a different route. Visit for your personal travel advice.

Shared bikes

Grab a bike!

During the Open Campus Days you can borrow a bicycle on campus for free. Now you can easily and quickly drive from one building to another and you can see even more of the campus.

The bicycles can be borrowed and also be returned at the Aula (Building 20) and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (Building 62).


Still coming by car? Keep a bank card ready.

There are very few parking spaces and garages directly on campus. It is therefore very difficult to find a parking place during the Open Campus Day. Is there actually no other way for you to visit us? Then find an overview of the car parks here. Select one of the parkings to have an insight in the available spaces. To find an overview of disabled parking spaces, please have a look at this page. Entering parking spaces and garages is only possible with a bank card. You'll find a QR code here soon which can be used to exit the parking lots.