Track Construction Materials

Imagine designing a bridge that can withstand extreme climate conditions, developing eco-friendly concrete that reduces carbon emissions or leading a forensic engineering team diagnosing the source of a failure —these are just some examples where construction materials engineers are essential. Our Construction Materials Engineering Master Track is uniquely crafted to prepare you for such critical roles in the industry. We offer a specialized and comprehensive education, making it an excellent choice for civil engineering graduates.

Hands-on experience in our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and opportunities to join ongoing projects under the guidance of our world-renowned teaching team will not only enhance learning but also helps you build a strong network with our industry partners, paving the way for internship and career prospects.

Starting with the fundamentals and advancing to cutting-edge research and design, our curriculum equips you with the skills needed to excel in the projects of governmental organizations, research institutes, consultancy sector, and the construction industry. As sustainable practices like concrete recycling and waste utilization gain vital importance, our graduates are ideally positioned to lead the way. Join us to become a versatile construction materials engineer, ready to address the complex challenges of the future.

Key features

➨ Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers the fundamentals of construction materials such as concrete, asphalt, masonry, metals and glass, advanced testing, monitoring, computational modeling techniques, and mechanical analysis of structural elements, ensuring a deep understanding of material performance in real-world applications.

➨ Versatile Career Opportunities: Graduates are prepared for diverse roles in government, research institutes, consultancy, and the construction industry, with expertise that spans civil engineering, environmental engineering, and geosciences.

➨ Cutting-Edge Technologies: Exploration of innovative technologies such as 3D concrete printing, keeping students at the forefront of industry advancements and sustainable practices.

➨ Focus on unique skills: Special emphasis on e.g. forensic construction materials engineering, where students gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and solving issues related to aging infrastructure. This practical approach ensures they are fully prepared to tackle real-world challenges in their professional careers.

Track Curriculum

Track base module: Fundamentals of Construction Materials

All students begin the Track Construction Materials in Q2 with the Fundamentals of Construction Materials (CIEM 1000). The module spans till the end of Q3 and covers topics like the science of construction materials, fracture mechanics, and materials selection and technology. You’ll complete lab work, field studies, and interactive exercises, preparing you to analyse material properties, predict failures, and make informed decisions based on sustainability and performance criteria.


In Q3, you also start your A-module: Measuring and Modelling Construction Material Behaviour (CIEM 1110). This module equips you with skills in experimental characterization and numerical modelling of construction materials, preparing you for advanced testing, analysis, and advising on structural material performance.


In Q4, you choose your B-module, allowing you to further specialise with the field.  There are two B-modules you can choose from.

I really enjoyed working in the lab. We tested the electrode potential of various metals, determined corrosion rates, completed tensile stress tests and tested the viscosity of bitumen, which we modified ourselves.

Mike Goddijn, student

Graduation Projects

You will have a multitude of opportunities for your master’s thesis. Below are just a few highlighted projects of previous students. Prep for the master thesis starts in Q6 after completing the electives and cross-over section of the general programme in Q5. 

Student Experiences

Our students always have a lot of stories to tell about their projects, internships, research and life as a student! They discover, collaborate and create solutions for society. Learn more about their experiences below!