Student - Padmapriya Mohan

Name: Padmapriya Mohan
Student: Master of Science in Quantum Information Science & Technology​​​​​​​



"Having access to labs and groups working on both hardware and software provides a comprehensive view of quantum technology, which is fantastic.”

Padmapriya Mohan

I decided to move to the Netherlands for the MSc QIST programme in autumn 2023, attracted by the buzz around the growing Dutch quantum scene and the fact that Delft is home to QuTech, a top-notch research centre. During my first year, I dabbled in different areas through short projects, diving into quantum machine learning, quantum networks and more. This exploration helped me decide to focus on quantum information for my Master's thesis. Having access to labs and groups working on both hardware and software provides a comprehensive view of quantum technology, which is fantastic. Although I've chosen to focus on theory, being close to the experimental setups in the labs is incredibly enlightening and broadens my understanding of the field.

In addition to the technical projects, I have delved into the non-technical aspects of quantum ecosystems, such as quantum tech supply chains and issues of ethics and sustainability. My experience in Delft has met my academic and professional expectations, but the opportunities for personal growth have been an unexpected bonus. The programme is run by a wonderful, supportive team who are always open and genuinely interested in our feedback. I've also always felt welcome and included as an international student, which has made my time here even more special. I'm also super grateful to the rest of my cohort, who are a lot of fun and have helped me settle right in! 

As for the future, I hope to delve deeper into quantum information after my Master's and also keep in touch with semi-technical topics like quantum technology supply and value chains.

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