Space Engineering profile

Space Engineering is the field of engineering concerned with the end-to-end engineering of space systems and system components. Areas of interest include the engineering of advanced/innovative space missions, space vehicles and instruments, sensors, actuators, mechanisms, and thrusters. Applying state-of-the-art technologies and providing innovative solutions is daily business. In this profile you will learn how to engineer complex space systems on their constituting elements, subsystems, instruments and components using a systematic approach. You will gain expertise on every phase of a spacecraft system’s development including design, integration, verification/testing and operations. You will also learn about management aspects of engineering including scheduling and planning, and about working in multi-disciplinary design teams to formulate spacecraft system solutions using a concurrent engineering approach. The knowledge that you will gain can also be applied to other complex technical systems. 

Profile courses

The profile courses for students of the Space Engineering profile are listed below. Please note that profile courses are in both the 2nd and 3rd period.

Name Period # EC
Micropropulsion 2-4 4
Microsat Engineering 2 4
Space Embedded Systems 3 3
Space Engineering Practical 2-3 8
Collaborative Space System Design Project 3 5