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Book your hotel and support TU Delft

Are you keen to help TU Delft? If so, here's an easy, free way of doing so. Simply book your next stay in a hotel via and support TU Delft. The Delft University Fund uses the extra income to help further the development of research, education and talent even more. 

TU Delft is teeming with talent. That talent is driven by passion for technology and the ambition to make a difference in the world. The Delft University Fund is there to support TU Delft in developing this talent. With the help of donations from alumni, staff, private individuals, foundations and companies that are interested in supporting science, the fund does everything possible to help students, scientists and academics to excel at what they do and to make an impact on society. 

The more supporters the better
So from now on, arrange your hotels via Your reservation/booking will be conducted through as normal (including the points you earn). You can also invite family, friends and colleagues to use the link. The more supporters, the better it is for TU Delft! 

TU Delft staff can make private bookings through Business bookings are arranged via BCD.