Marina van Damme Grant

The Marina van Damme Grant is awarded each year to talented female alumni from Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Twente or Wageningen University. The grant consists of a grant of €9000,- and an award. This grant is made possible thanks to Dr. ir. Marina van Damme. Marina van Damme obtained her Master’s degree at TU Delft in 1953 and she was the first female student to obtain her PhD at the former Technical University College Twente in 1965.

With this grant, Marina van Damme wants to enable young female engineers to further develop themselves and to increase their career opportunities. The grant is intended to help winners to broaden their knowledge or explore international opportunities in the form of a study programme, internship or project in the Netherlands or abroad.

Marina van Damme

The Marina van Damme Grant is made possible thanks to Dr. ir. Marina van Damme. Marina obtained her Master’s degree at TU Delft in 1953 and she was the first female student to obtain her PhD at the former Technical University College Twente in 1965. Read more about Marina van Damme. 

A runner-up prize will be provided by alumnus ir Allerd Stikker.

10 October | Marina van Damme Award Ceremony 2024

The jury nominated three candidates this year: 

Marjolijn Heslinga, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Natalia Vtyurina, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Jessica Sun, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

The candidates will each give an inspiring video pitch about their ambitious careerplans, after which the grant of €9,000 and the runner-up prize of €2,500, will be awarded. Everyone is welcome to attend the ceremony (10 October, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM). You can register via the button below. 

Register here Read more about the nominees 2024

Marina van Damme Network

Recipients of the Marina van Damme Grant automatically become a member of the Marina van Damme network. This network supports for example the annual scholarship awards, organizes gatherings aimed to inspire previous recipients, and stimulates informative talks at schools to encourage girls and young women to take up engineering. Every year, the winners of the Marina van Damme Grant meet under the apple tree in Ms Van Damme’s own garden. These are not only the winners from TU Delft, but also the winners from the other institutions that award the grant: the University of Twente, Eindhoven University of Technology and, as from 2018, Wageningen University.