
Climate Action News

12 November 2019

Clouds and climate

Clouds and climate

Herman Russchenberg is engaged in intensive and extensive research into the causes of climate change. His own research involves investigating the role played by clouds and dust particles in the atmosphere, but he is also head of the TU Delft Climate Institute, established in March 2012 to bring together TU Delft researchers working on all aspects of climate and climate change. Russchenberg started out in the faculty of Electrical Engineering, conducting research into the influence of the atmosphere (rain, clouds) on satellite signals. After obtaining his PhD in 1992, he shifted his attention to the physics of water vapour, water droplets, dust particles, sunlight, radiation and emissions in the atmosphere. He is now based in the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.

07 November 2019

The evolution of the Greenland ice sheet

The evolution of the Greenland ice sheet

Miren Vizcaino has received an ERC Starting Grant. With this ERC Grant, she will investigate the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet throughout the centuries, in response to anthropogenic climate change. She will compare this with past deglaciations during the last interglacial and the Holocene, in order to improve climate models.

05 September 2019

Rapid snow retreat amplifies North Greenland mass loss

Rapid snow retreat amplifies North Greenland mass loss

Researchers show a large regional difference between melt in North and South Greenland.

27 May 2019

Arno Smets appointed Mission Innovation Champion

Arno Smets appointed Mission Innovation Champion

Professor Arno Smets has been named one of the first Mission Innovation Champions, a new initiative to honour pioneers in the field of clean energy.

Press kits

TU Delft has prepared press kits (often in Dutch) on vaious climate-related topics.

Critical Raw Materials
Green AI
Flying Shame No More
Operation Green Care
Liveable Deltas
Sea level Rise
Extreme Weather
Heat in the City