
Climate Action News

15 March 2022

Climate scientists launch national climate research initiative

TBM onderzoeker Andrea Ramirez Ramirez maakt deel uit van een breed gezelschap van Nederlandse klimaatonderzoekers die zich hebben verenigd op verzoek van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) en NWO in een taskforce. Deze groep zal nog voor de zomer een rapport uitbrengen over de oprichting van een nieuw netwerkinstituut voor wetenschapsbreed klimaatonderzoek.

25 February 2022

Delft scientists present “green” series of children's lectures

Delft scientists present “green” series of children's lectures

We generate more and more electricity from solar panels and windmills, but what if there is no wind and the sun is not shining? Will you still be able to charge your phone? This is one of the many questions that will be addressed in a brand new series of lectures by the MuseumJeugdUniversiteit. For this "green" series – made especially for children between the ages of 8 and 12 – this long-term collaboration between MuseumJeugdUniversteit and Science Centre Delft travels to the TU Delft campus, which celebrates its 180th anniversary this year.

21 February 2022

TU Delft and HyET Solar strengthen their partnership – in lightweight, flexible and ubiquitous thin-film solar foil

TU Delft and HyET Solar strengthen their partnership – in lightweight, flexible and ubiquitous thin-film solar foil

Solar foil represents the future. It can be applied in countless and unique ways – all the way from integrating it into traditional roof tiles through to creating new large-scale solar parks that reduce the price of our electricity. By signing a new four-year research contract, TU Delft and HyET Solar have sped up the introduction of the next generation of solar foil, bringing this vision of the future a significant step closer.

04 February 2022

TU Delft’s new programme of MOOCs aims to speed up the energy transition

TU Delft’s new programme of MOOCs aims to speed up the energy transition

On 8 February 2022, TU Delft launches a programme of four new massive open online courses on Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems.

Press kits

TU Delft has prepared press kits (often in Dutch) on vaious climate-related topics.

Critical Raw Materials
Green AI
Flying Shame No More
Operation Green Care
Liveable Deltas
Sea level Rise
Extreme Weather
Heat in the City