
Climate Action News

09 February 2023

From concrete waste to concrete buildings

From concrete waste to concrete buildings

Earth’s primary resources are finite. Human inventiveness, however, isn’t. At TU Delft’s laboratories, Francesco Di Maio is working on the recycling of concrete waste. Just like the Phoenix, the mythological bird that rises from its own ashes, Di Maio wants new concrete buildings to arise from their predecessors waste. He hopes his technologies will help to transform urban economies into self-sustaining loops.

06 February 2023

'Safe-by-design' chemical recycling of plastic waste

'Safe-by-design' chemical recycling of plastic waste

Ana Somoza-Tornos, Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, has received Seed Funding from the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute for the safe-by-design chemical recycling of plastic waste

03 February 2023

Hydrogen leads the way to a climate neutral Europe without energy poverty

Hydrogen leads the way to a climate neutral Europe without energy poverty

Energy is a driver of economic activity, personal development, and social participation in civic life. That is why, for professor of Smart Energy Systems Zofia Lukszo, the energy transition is about much more than reducing CO2 emissions. ‘Our future energy system should not only be sustainable, but also inclusive – dependable, available and affordable for everyone.’

31 January 2023

Extra Earth observation studies to better understand effects of climate change

Extra Earth observation studies to better understand effects of climate change

The NWO honoured eight TU Delft research projects for Earth observation and planetary research. Several studies will start within the CEG faculty that will help us better understand the Earth's climate system.

Press kits

TU Delft has prepared press kits (often in Dutch) on vaious climate-related topics.

Critical Raw Materials
Green AI
Flying Shame No More
Operation Green Care
Liveable Deltas
Sea level Rise
Extreme Weather
Heat in the City