
Marian Bosch-Rekveldt in KWD Vakvlad: 'In projecten kijken we vooral naar risico's. We moeten meer kijken naar kansen die er liggen'

De rol van projectmanagers en projectmanagement in de toekomst is een optelsom van heden en verleden. De gedachte dat de toekomst iets geheel nieuws zal zijn is slechts ten dele waar. In de toekomst zullen projectmanagers ook doen wat ze altijd al hebben gedaan: plannen, coördineren, resultaat boeken, communiceren etc. Wat kan er bijkomen? Associate Professor in Project Management Marian Bosch-Rekveldt aan de Technische Universiteit Delft zegt er in een vraaggesprek dit over:

New research shines light on future directions for cities on sustainability and climate action

What’s in a word?  ‘Smart’, ‘eco’ or ‘future’ cities? Around the world, numerous city initiatives have sprung up in recent years to signal their engagement with sustainable development and global climate change action. But what is the difference between these and other city labels? Are some more important than others? And how will they develop in the coming 50 years? Scottish and Dutch academics have carried out a global study across 35 different city labels revealing that the term ‘sustainable city’ has been the most popular and overarching one in policy and academic research until five years ago.

Johan Ninan receives the 2024 IPMA Global Research Award

Johan Ninan, Assistant Professor at 3MD department in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences received the 2024 IPMA Global Research Award. The award was granted for his research on “Narratives in Megaprojects” with Natalya Sergeeva at University College London funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). 
The research drawing on our longitudinal research into project narratives highlights how narratives can bring together disparate experiences, are performative as they shape and change the future, are strategic as they can create, maintain or disrupt institutions, and are promotional as they are consistently communicated to brand an image of the organisation.