
All publications

  1. P van der Male, KN van Dalen, A Metrikine, Aerodynamic damping of nonlinearily wind-excited wind turbine blades, In PhD seminar on wind energy in Europe p.1-5, s.n..
  2. S Saeid, RIN Al-Khoury, FBJ Barends, An efficient computational model for deep low-enthalpy geothermal systems, In Computers & Geosciences: an international journal Volume 51 p.400-409.
  3. D Dias-da-Costa, J. Alfaiate, LJ Sluys, P Areias, E. Júlio, An embedded formulation with conforming finite elements to capture strong discontinuities, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 93 p.224-244.
  4. M Talebian, RIN Al-Khoury, LJ Sluys, An extended finite element model for CO2 sequestration, In International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow Volume 23 p.1421-1448.
  5. J Li, X Liu, A Scarpas, G Tzimiris, C Kasbergen, R Hofman, J Voskuilen, Analysis of five-point bending test for multilayer surfacing system on orthotropic steel bridge, In Transportation research board p.1-13, Transportation Research Board (TRB).
  6. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, Anomalous behavior of bilinear quadrilateral finite elements for modeling cohesive cracks with XFEM/GFEM, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 94 p.454-472.
  7. V Mariani, AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Application of sequentially linear analysis to the seismic assessment of slender masonry towers, In International conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation p.1871-1876, Taylor & Francis.
  8. KB Oelgaard, Automated computational modelling for complicated partial differential equations
  9. M Malagu, E Benvenuti, A Simone, Benchmarking high order finite element approximations for one-dimensional boundary layer problems, In Proceedings of the 21th conference associazione Italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata, AIMETA p.1-10, Edizioni Cortina Torino.
  10. K Li, M Stroeven, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, C-S-H globule clustering on nano-scale simulated by the discrete element method for pore structure exploration, In Proceedings of the TRANSCEND conference water transport in cementitious materials p.32-35, Rilem.


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