
All publications

  1. H He, Z Guo, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Self-healing capacity of concrete - computer simulation study of unhydrated cement structure, In Image Analysis and Stereology Volume 26 p.137-143.
  2. JG Rots, S Invernizzi, Sequentially linear analysis of discrete cracking in masonry panels, In Modelling of heterogeneous materials with applications in construction and biomedical engineering p.86-87, ECCOMAS.
  3. Y Li, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Service life prediction and repair of concrete structures with spatial variability, In Heron Volume 52 p.251-267.
  4. N Kringos, A Scarpas, Simulation of combined physical-mechanical moisture induced damage in asphaltic mixes, In Advanced characterisation of pavement and soil engineering materials p.779-789, Taylor & Francis.
  5. N Kringos, A Scarpas, APS Selvadurai, Simulation of mastic transport form open graded asphalt mixes using a hybrid lagranian-eulerian finete element apporach, In Advanced characterisation of pavement and soil engineering materials p.767-778, Taylor & Francis.
  6. L Klatter, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, JM van Noortwijk, Societal and reliability aspects of bridge management in the Netherlands, In Structure & Infrastructure Engineering: maintenance, management, life-cycle design & performance p.1-14.
  7. H Karadeniz, Spectral analysis of deteriorated offshore structures, In International mechanical engineering congress & exposition p.1-8, ASME.
  8. C Wu, C Kasbergen, X Liu, RIN al Khoury, A Scarpas, Spectral element approach for inverse models of 3D layered pavement, In Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Volume 17 p.163-172.
  9. H Karadeniz, Stochastic earthquake-analysis of underwater storage tanks, In Proceedings of OMAE 2007 -29190 p.1-9, ASME.
  10. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Stochastic models for fatigue fracture in steel structures, In 3rd International Conference Lifetime-oriented Design Concepts p.115-132, Aedificatio Publishers Freiburg.


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