
All publications

  1. Rianne Teeuwen, Roel Schipper, J. Cupać, Hans Jansen, Christian Louter, Circularity of Existing Aluminium Unitised Curtain Wall Façades
  2. Robin Oval, Romain Mesnil, Tom van Mele, Olivier Baverel, Philippe Block, (2024), Creasing the British museum: Topology finding of crease patterns for shell structures, In Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Volume 65 p.44-56.
  3. M. Scamardo, S. Cattaneo, P. Crespi, N. Vafa, (2024), Cyclic behavior of C-shaped masonry wall retrofitted with twisted bars or bonded rebars, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 443.
  4. Dirk Lowke, Ana Anton, Richard Buswell, Selen Ercan Jenny, Robert J. Flatt, Ena Lloret Fritschi, Norman Hack, Inka Mai, Mariana Popescu, Harald Kloft, (2024), Digital fabrication with concrete beyond horizontal planar layers, In Cement and Concrete Research Volume 186.
  5. Jens H. Nielsen, Jan Belis, Christian Louter, Jens Schneider, Mauro Overend, (2024), Editorial, In Glass Structures and Engineering Volume 9 p.1-2.
  6. S. Toshniwal, J. Sluijs, S. J.H. Meijers, S. Sharma, F. Messali, (2024), Engineering methodology to assess the seismic out-of-plane response of two-way spanning unreinforced masonry walls with multiple openings, In Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 2647.
  7. Davide Wüthrich, Paul A. Korswagen, Harish Selvam, Jan Oetjen, Jeremy Bricker, Holger Schüttrumpf, (2024), Field survey assessment of flood loads and related building damage from the July 2021 event in the Ahr Valley (Germany), In Journal of Flood Risk Management.
  8. T. Gärtner, S. J. van den Boom, J. Weerheijm, L. J. Sluys, (2024), Geometric effects on impact mitigation in architected auxetic metamaterials, In Mechanics of Materials Volume 191.
  9. Panagiota Theodoropoulou, Eleonora Brembilla, Roel Schipper, Christian Louter, Glare-based control strategy for Venetian blinds in a mixed-use conference space with fully glazed facades, In Journal of Building Engineering Volume 82.
  10. Lu Ke, Frans van der Meer, (2024), Investigation of mode-II delamination fracture energy with a discontinuous computational homogenization model, In Computers and Structures Volume 296.


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